Increasing Incomes From Irrigated Rice Production Through Multilevel And Multidisciplinary Approach
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The government of Indonesia, in partnership with the IFAD and the ADB, is implementing the
Integrated Participatory Development and Management Irrigation Project (IPDMIP), which is
aimed to boost agricultural productivity, reduce rural poverty, promote gender equity, and
improve nutrition through four components: strengthened policies and institutional frameworks,
better irrigation systems management, improved irrigation infrastructure, and increased incomes
for the smallholders. The project is using a multilevel (national, provinces, and districts) and
multidisciplinary (various ministries) approach to execute the activities, but unfortunately is not
delivering the expected results. This work focuses on component 4, the one financed by IFAD,
that currently is at its third year of execution and is facing major implementation problems due to
the vast scope, difficulties in the data collection, with the financing mechanisms, the distribution
of the budget, and the evaluation system. A
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