Effectiveness Of Knowledge Communication And Management In Fostering Rural Farmers’ Local Innovativeness In Embu And Kirinyaga Counties
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This study examined the role of knowledge communication and management in fostering local innovativeness among rural famers, using Upper Tana Natural Resources Management Project (UTaNRMP) as case study. UTaNRMP is an eight year project funded by GoK, IFAD, Spanish Trust Fund and other stakeholders to contribute to reduction of rural poverty in the Upper Tana river catchment. The data for the study was generated across 2 counties (Embu and Kirinyaga) within UTaNRMP catchment to form the study area for primary data collection. Questionnaire, Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and Key Informant Interviews (KII) were extensively utilized on the field to collect data that can generate results for both the objectives of study and hypothetical questions the research sought to answer. The first survey conducted involved 421 respondents comprising of rural farmers who are aware or have benefited from various UTaNRMP‟s interventions in both counties. The second survey involved the use of two qualitative tools; KII and FGD were conducted with project coordinators and implementers to generate data that can validate findings from the previous survey.
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